Fall Home Maintenance
October 19, 2016
With fall weather upon us, it’s time to do some winter preparation on your home. Follow these tips to keep your home warm and safe during the cooler months. Some can even be performed as do-it-yourself projects!

For your home exterior:
- Clean your gutters and downspouts, and be sure to check for blockages from leaves and debris. This maintenance can help prevent water damage to your home and pest infestations.
- Inspect your roof, and have repairs made if necessary. Hire a professional if you are unsure of your abilities. By keeping your roof in good condition year-round, you will be preventing future leaks and damage.
- Store your lawn equipment and furniture. By protecting your outdoor belongings from the harsh winter weather, you can potentially prolong the life and usefulness of these objects.
- Check your outdoor lighting. Replace any blown bulbs or improperly working automatic lights as days get shorter and nights get longer.
- Shut off water to your outside faucets. Drain excess water and remove hoses from these exterior faucets to avoid freezing pipes this winter.
For your home interior:
- Seal around your doors and windows to keep out drafts. You can also remove window screens and install storm windows to further keep cold air out.
- Inspect and test your heating system. Clear furniture or debris away from heating vents or furnaces. Then test your heating system to be sure it is working properly.
- Have your chimney and fireplace inspected and cleaned. Make any necessary repairs. By regularly cleaning your chimney, you are reducing the risk of a chimney fire. Remember, chimney fires do not always stay in the chimney.
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