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A great place to work!

December 18, 2019

Goodville Mutual Casualty Company of New Holland, PA is thrilled to be named as the #1 place to work in the medium business category of the first LNP Best Workplaces in Lancaster County!


Goodville Mutual was one of 120 companies nominated from Lancaster County, with 60 of these companies participating by sending the Best Workplaces survey link to their employees. The survey focused on the culture, ethics, leadership and employee benefits of the company for which they work.


The survey process allowed for complete anonymity which resulted in honest feedback by employees.

David Gautsche President and CEO of Goodville said; "This award is a reflection of the quality people who make up the Goodville team. Our people are a defining difference! This local recognition will strengthen the Goodville name when we are looking to hire new local talent for our open positions."

Recognizing that employee satisfaction is important to the long-term success of the company, Goodville Mutual has an ongoing commitment to its employees. The company offers competitive pay and benefits, professional development and advancement opportunities, employee recognition and appreciation events, and employee involvement in charitable initiatives. The culture encourages teamwork and cooperation while supporting the well-being of every employee. For these reasons, Goodville Mutual was named as one of the Best Places to Work in Pennsylvania 2019 for the second year in a row.

A second year as one of the Best Places to Work in PA 2019!

December 04, 2019

We're thrilled to announce Goodville Mutual Casualty Company has been recognized as one of the Best Places to Work in Pennsylvania for 2019!

This is the second consecutive year Goodville Mutual has been recognized, improving from 15th to now the 7th best place to work in Pennsylvania. This continued recognition will help improve the visibility of Goodville Mutual and our appeal to job seekers in our region.

David Gautsche CEO/ President said: "We are very proud of this achievement, being named as one of the Best Places to Work in Pennsylvania, it's a great honor and is a reflection of the quality people who make up the Goodville team. Our people are a defining difference!"


Goodville Mutual is one of only 100 companies to be named on the list in the medium-sized category, for the Best Places to Work in Pennsylvania 2019. Winners are selected based on receiving the highest combined score from a twofold evaluation: 1. a review of a company's workforce policies, practices, philosophies, systems, and demographics, 2. and the results of an employee survey measuring employee satisfaction.

Acknowledging and understanding that employee satisfaction is key to long-term success, Goodville demonstrates support to its employees through: competitive pay and benefits, professional development and advancement, employee appreciation events, and involvement in community charitable initiatives. The environment is one where our people just do the right thing, even when no one is watching. It makes for a fun, enjoyable workplace for the employees, knowing they are making a difference to the lives of Goodville members and our network of independent agents.